Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Wheel is Turning and it Can't Slow Down

Just thought I should post something here, especially in light of the most recent post. On the work front, things are going splendidly. I'm in an excellent position to grow at this company, as they really like my work, and I actually like working there. It's weird to actually like your job. However, things have not been going so well on the personal front.

In case I haven't mentioned it, I have a really bad habit of saying things I can't take back. I'd rather not get into the whole story, but my roommate and I have been in a serious fight for the last couple of weeks. There is no middle ground with her, just as there isn't with me. There is either nice and sweet L., or raging bull psychotic L. Things peaked out when she attacked me the other night. Now, mind you, I weigh about 190 lbs., and am a man, but I still have to say that she outweighs me by about 100 pounds. And she is flat out insane.

She came out swinging, but I was able to block her punches and to use her weight against her to bring her to the floor without having to hurt her. I had to restrain her for a couple of minutes before she agreed to stop attacking me. Even after she left I kept a beer bottle nearby (only thing I could find) to crack over her head if she came back with a knife.

What was she thinking? I grew up with three older brothers, so I know how to defend myself from an attack. I don't ever want to hit a lady, for any reason, and wouldn't. But if one of my older brothers attacked me like that when I was growing up, it meant the gloves came off. If I had one of my brothers pinned down like that after being assaulted, you can bet your ass he'd be receiving repeated blows to the head. She's lucky I'm a gentleman and oppose any type of violence against women. She just kept trying to punch me in the face though.

She apologized profusely the next day, but she knows our friendship is over (if the preceding argument hadn't already accomplished that). I'm looking for a new place to live, and may have found a place already (for April 1st). L. doesn't have any more right to keep this place than I do, but fuck her: I don't live with bitches that assault me. I need to get a more suitable place for myself anyways (i.e. Downtown).

Aside from that, my personal life has been a mess. In just a few weeks time, I managed to ruin three friendships, and to rescue two so far. I'd rather not even get into that whole thing right now. I think I'm going crazy. Isn't the definition of crazy when everyone knows you're crazy but you? I thought I was just quirky and eccentric, but apparently everyone thinks I'm a nut case. More to come on this if I ever find blogtime again.

At any rate, I woke up at 3:00 am today and couldn't fall back asleep, which is the only reason I actually have time to blog. I don't know if anyone even stops by here anymore, but I wanted to let the world know that the Wheel keeps turning, despite the bumps in the road.


Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn said...

Ah, but the car survived, barely scratched! It was ditched in three feet of fresh snow powder, which pretty much cushioned it. The rear bumper is cracked, but I can fix that for a reasonable price later on. . .

As always, good to hear from you, FM.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 9:21:00 AM  

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