Monday, January 30, 2006

Can You See the Real Me? Can You?!

Yes, yes, the time has come. I am announcing my return to the world of blog with this post. I've made many changes in my life, and am continuing to do so. I will continue to document these changes on this site. I'll try to keep my politics out of this blog, but the true of heart will know where I stand. I live in a land where the entire government is tainted with corruption, and where we crave a true leader. Democrats in 2006, Impeachment in 2007 (or charges of Treachery for Abandoning the Constitution, or for War Crimes, or for War Profiteering, or. . .well, you get the point. . .) .

I fear that we may truly stand at the brink of a greater cataclysm than any living being has ever known or imagined. . .Change is inevitible, and I am sensing the coming. . .battle. . .horror. . .death. . .war. . .desolation. . .and the Strong will cry "Terror!!!!". . .and the Weak will shout "Freedom!!!". . while bringing more. . . then more. . .and even more. . .Death--or even, if the cards fall just right. . .the Unification of All as One. . .the Era of Eternal Peace, Love, and Harmony. . .and though the latter is unlikely. . .the former is inevitible. . .and yet. . .Here we stand, my friends across the Earth. . .Prepared to face Life, and whatever Challenges, Frustration, Pain, and Joy it may bring. . .but Where is the Joy when we need it?. . .Where indeed?!. . .Oh yes. . .Just in Time. . .Just when it's Needed.

. . .And that was my attempt at drunken Stream of Consciousness. It may be subject to editing, which sort of defeats the purpose (according to Kerouac, of course), but fuck it anyways. He used a typewriter for fuck's sake. Politics makes me feel powerless, so I'll save my rants and pent them up, and unleash them only from time to time. . .

At any rate, I'm going to start blogging again, for real, with this page. I think I'll start by loading up tons of pictures from my recent adventure to Colorado. It involved altitude sickness, Maui Wowie, and arm-wrestling a lunatic street kid. But I'll elaborate on those stories over time. In the meantime, enjoy the pics! (I take no credit for the beauty of nature, so no compliments, please.)


Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn said...

Don't mind a'tall m'lady (uh oh, drunken response coming on. . .better keep this short;-)

I've transfered my entire blogroll, including you, so I'm hoping you don't mind either;-P. I can't bear to edit any of it at this point--too many memories, even of the pages that no longer exist. . .

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:50:00 PM  

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